Sunday, June 13, 2010


Angel Christian Publishing, LLC, founded by Catherine Hernandez-Brown (Angel Brown) in June, 2010 has plans to begin accepting manuscripts in the near future for Christian authors and positive writers. If you have a positive message that you would like to introduce to the world, Angel Christian Publishing, LLC can make it happen for you!

"As the self-published author of The Great X-Cape, published by AuthorHouse in February 2010, I realized that all of the work that AuthorHouse put into publishing my book, I could do myself."

"Why pay someone else to do something for you that you can do yourself?"

After many hours of research, and after countless phone calls and inquiries, I set up a unique plan to publish, market, advertise, and promote my 2nd book (The Great X-Cape II- God's Amazing Love), which is in the publication process and will be available to the public in the near future.

The publishing industry is a dog-eat-dog world and an author or writer who is not knowledgeable regarding all aspects of the publishing process can get eaten up by the bigger dogs in the industry. Here are some of the facts:

Mainstream, traditional, commercial publishing houses require a literary agent to present your work to them and they do not accept unsolicited manuscripts regardless of how good you think your manuscript is. Because the publishing industry, as well as the national economy, is suffering financially, mainstream, traditional, commercial publishing companies will not accept manuscripts from most unknown authors regardless of how good your book is or regardless of the literary agent who presented your work. It will take an act of Congress or an act of God to even get most traditional publishing companies to even read your manuscript. Mainstream, traditional, commercial publishing companies invest large sums of money to publish, promote, advertise, and market your book, and they simply cannot afford to invest these large sums of money into a book unless they are certain that the book will sell a sufficient amount of copies. They simply cannot afford to make investments in unknown authors if the unknown author is not a celebrity of some kind. That said, it is simply unfortunate because there are many talented writers who deserve a chance to see their books in print and on the shelves of the most popular book stores. Unfortunately, most mainstream, traditional, commercial publishing houses will not make that happen, thus many great books continue the process of sitting on the shelf collecting dust.

Mainstream, traditional, commercial publishing companies own the rights to the author's work and have the legal authority to make changes to the manuscript as they see fit. I found this information difficult to digest. Knowing this information caused me to pursue self-publishing as an option for my first book, The Great X-Cape, because I refused to allow anyone to change the words of my manuscript when I knew that the words that I had written in my book came from God. After experiencing the most traumatic and impossible situation in my life, I found my God-ordained calling in life as a writer of Christian and inspirational literature. I wanted to do things "God's way" and I wasn't too sure that a mainstream, traditional, commercial publishing company would share my passion.

Mainstream, traditional, commercial publishing companies invest thousands of dollars into publishing, marketing, advertising, and promoting an author's work, therefore, they rightfully keep most of the royalties and profits of the books that they publish. Although, this agreement may be quite fair, I refused to allow a publishing company to make more money that I did for a work that I created by the inspiration of God. Most authors that publish through mainstream, traditional, commercial publishing houses make anywhere from %1 to %5 of royalties, if they are lucky.

After researching information regarding mainstream, traditional, commercial publishing houses, I decided that this option of publishing was not for me.

I also researched self-publishing companies, and although I chose to self-publish with AuthorHouse, and they did a wonderful job with the publication of my book, there are always pros and cons associated with self-publishing companies as well.

A traditional self-publishing company will do just that: publish your book, and nothing else. After publishing my first book, The Great X-Cape, with AuthorHouse, I was simply left alone to figure out how I would go about marketing, advertising, and promoting my book to increase sales and to get my message out. This has been a long, time-consuming process, but one that I am glad I was able to embark upon. Through marketing, advertising, and promoting my own book, I have learned many strategies of marketing and advertising, which has ultimately led me to start my own publishing company, Angel Christian Publishing, LLC. Most traditional self-publishing companies do not provide editing services for authors. There is a machine that is used by most self-publishing companies that is designed to detect key words that may have a negative connotation, and then the company reads the information within that sentence. At Angel Christian Publishing, our policy is to "actually" read all of the manuscripts that we receive and provide editing services at no additional cost. Why? Because editorially sound books sell better! If we publish an author's book and it does not sell well, we are only hurting ourselves! We are in the business to sell books and editorially sound books sell better!

At Angel Christian Publishing, LLC, we believe that the author should retain all rights to their own work. They created the work, not us! Therefore, it just makes sense that they should have the rights to their own works and approve any changes that we make during our editorial process before we send their books to the printer. A happy author makes a happy CEO! At Angel Christian Publishing, LLC, we are in the business of introducing a positive life-changing message to the world. Only when our authors are happy with the positive message that they have worked hard to present, will we move forward with the publication process of their books.

Owning the rights to my own book and being the one to call the shots and the one to approve all changes pertaining to my book before publication could go forward, are aspects of a traditional self-publishing company that I found quite appealing during the publication process of my first book. Having the ability to choose the cover for my book and also being given the opportunity to set the price of my book are also aspects that I enjoyed. Publishing my first book, and researching all aspects of publishing through other types of publishing companies allowed me to gain useful knowledge and insight that inspired me to start my own publishing company, Angel Christian Publishing, LLC.

Again, why pay someone else to do something for you that you can do for yourself?

Although, many self-publishing companies offer marketing and advertising services, these services most always have a high astronomical cost attached to them, and marketing and advertising services are usually not sold within the packages that they offer. If they are, the cost to purchase the publishing package is more than the average unknown author can afford. Although, AuthorHouse did a great job with the publishing of my first book, The Great X-Cape, and they have made my book available nationally through Barnes and Noble,, Ingrim's books, Books a Million, and every other places where books are sold, if no one knows that my book exists, it's just what it is: available. I can have a money tree available in my back yard, but if no one knows that the money tree exists, then it's just what it is: available!

During my research, I also gained insight regarding other types of publishing companies. Subsidy publishing companies are publishing houses that partner with you to publish your book. They may require that you purchase the first 1,000 copies of your book, or they may require that you pay up to $12,000.00 for the cost of publishing, marketing, advertising, and promoting your book, and they usually promise that if you publish with them, you will be a well-known writer in no time!

Publish America is another type of publishing company, although I have not been able to gain enough information to classify them as to what type! They will publish your book at no cost, but their contract is so vague that, by law, they actually don't have to do anything to market, advertise, or promote your book! When I was approached by Publish America with regards to publishing my second book, The Great X-Cape II (God's Amazing Love), I was excited and elated! Needless to say, once I received the contract and sent it to my mother, who has been an attorney for close to 30 years, the vague contract deterred me. I proceeded to contact authors directly who had published with Publish America in the past and I was told by one author that Publish America did not seem to try to sell his books to anyone but himself! Another author told me that Publish America made approximately $50,000.00 before he made his first $400.00 for royalties for his book! Beware of publishing companies that offer to publish your book for free when you are an unknown author and your manuscript has not been presented to them by an experienced literary agent. Most of the time, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is!

I realized that something had to be done to give Christian authors and positive writers, such as myself, the opportunity that they deserve to, not just have their books published, but to have their books marketed and promoted as well. Every good writer deserves that opportunity!

Angel Christian Publishing company offers that opportunity. Combining the pros of mainstream, traditional commercial publishing houses, and the pros of traditional self-publishing companies, we have designed a plan that will allow all Christian authors and positive writers to have the opportunity to publish a quality editorially sound book as well as receive the marketing, advertising, and promotion that their book deserves for the least amount of cost possible. At Angel Christian Publishing, LLC, we offer the one thing that no other self-publishing company offers without an astronomical cost attached to it: marketing, advertising, and promotional services that we believe our authors' books deserve. Marketing, advertising, and promoting a book to the right audience serves to give our authors' books the attention and the exposure that they deserve. At Angel Christian Publishing, LLC, we believe in our authors, and we only accept manuscripts from authors who we believe in. Unlike most self-publishing companies, we do not publish books for anyone and everyone who is willing to pay us for our publishing services. Publishing books for anyone and everyone who can afford to publish with us is not beneficial to our reputation or to our company. We are in the business to publish and sell books that serve to provide the public with a unique positive life-changing message. At Angel Christian Publishing, we understand that editorially sound books sell better, and they only sell better when they are marketed, advertised, and promoted to the right audience. Angel Christian Publishing refuses to mimic traditional self-publishing companies, and only publish a book for our authors. We understand that, without adequate editorial services, marketing, advertising, and promotion of a book, it's just what it is: available! We want to do more than just make your book available as most self-publishing companies do. We want your book to be seen, and seen by the right audience! Only by producing a high quality book that is editorially sound and marketing that book to the right audience, can our authors have the opportunity to share their positive message to the world. Promotion is everything!

Angel Christian Publishing, LLC has plans to begin accepting manuscripts from Christian authors and positive writers in the near future. If you have a positive message that you want to present to the world, our goal is to make that happen for you!

Angel Brown: CEO, Angel Christian Publishing, LLC
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